Ice Age Wiki
Bengali Badger
Physical Attributes
Kingdom Mammalia
Species Chamitataxus
Height 1 ft
Eye Color Varying
Fur Color Usually black and white

The Badger is a short-legged omnivore in the weasel family.


Related to weasels, badgers have short, fat bodies with short, clawed legs built for digging. Badgers have elongated weasel-like heads with small ears. Their tails vary in length depending on species, and all badgers have black faces with distinctive white markings, gray bodies with a light colored stripe from head to tail, and dark legs with a light colored stomach.


Among the animals impacted by the effects of the continental drift was a badger named Gupta, who was rescued by the Gigantopithecus Captain Gutt and made a member of his crew of pirates.

Behind the Scenes[]

Because of the time period the fourth film is set in it's possible that the Badgers in Ice Age franchise might be based on a extinct species like most of the other animals in the film series.

The Badgers from the films could be Chamitataxus and extinct species of badger that would have lived around the time frame the movies are set in. Chamitataxus has many similarities and traits to it's relative the modern day badger.


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Animal Species
AardvarkArmadilloBadgerBaptornisBatBeaverBirdBlue-footed boobyBoarBrontotheriumChalicothereCondorDiatrymaDodoDung BeetleElephant sealElkGazelleGiant Butterfly GigantopithecusGlyptodonGround slothHyraxMacraucheniaMammothMini-slothMolehogMusk OxPalaeotheriumPenguinPiranhaPlatybelodonProcoptodonNarwhalNeanderthalOpossumRabbitRatReindeerSaber-tooth tigerSaber-tooth squirrelSharkSirenSpiderVultureWeaselWhale